
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are transforming industries at an unprecedented rate. However, these advancements come with a significant downside: the shrinking share of income that goes to workers. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the global labor income share is on a steady decline, raising concerns about increasing economic inequality. As businesses grapple with these challenges, Managed IT Services from Innovative Network Solutions Corp (INSC) can play a critical role in ensuring that technological progress benefits everyone. 

The Decline in Workers’ Income Share: A Global Concern 

The Shrinking Pay Packets 

The ILO’s recent findings highlight a worrying trend: the proportion of total global income that goes to workers has been steadily decreasing. Despite contributing to a growing global economy, workers are taking home a smaller share of that growth. Between 2019 and 2022 alone, global labor income declined by 0.6 percentage points, representing an annual shortfall of approximately $2.4 trillion (about $7,400 per person in the US). This decline is not a recent phenomenon but part of a longer-term trend, with a 1.6% drop in income share between 2004 and 2024. 

The Impact of Automation and AI 

One of the key drivers behind this decline is the increasing adoption of automation and AI in the workplace. While these technologies have boosted productivity, they have also widened the gap between productivity growth and labor income growth. From 2004 to 2024, global output per hour increased by 58%, while income only rose by 53%. This five-percentage-point wedge highlights the growing disparity between the value created by workers and the income they receive. 

ILO’s Recommendations for Addressing Inequality 

Policy Interventions for Fairer Distribution 

The ILO’s World Employment and Social Outlook report emphasizes the need for urgent policy interventions to address this growing inequality. Without action, the advent of generative AI could exert further downward pressure on wages, exacerbating the already existing income disparity. The ILO recommends several measures, including: 

  • Universal Social Protection: Governments should offer universal social protection to ensure that all workers have access to necessities. 
  • Decent Minimum Wage: Implementing a decent minimum wage is crucial to ensuring that workers receive fair compensation for their efforts. 
  • Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Promoting policies that support freedom of association and recognition of collective bargaining can help workers and employers negotiate a fairer distribution of productivity gains. 

The Role of Managed IT Services in Navigating These Challenges 

How INSC Supports Businesses in the Face of Automation and AI 

As a leading provider of Managed IT Services, IT Support, IT Consulting, Virtual CTO, and Cyber Security Solutions, Innovative Network Solutions Corp (INSC) understands the challenges businesses face in the age of automation and AI. Here is how we can help: 

  • Strategic IT Consulting: Our team of experts works closely with businesses to develop IT strategies that align with their goals while ensuring that technological advancements benefit all stakeholders. 
  • Managed IT Services: We manage and monitor your IT infrastructure to optimize productivity without compromising workers’ income share. Our services help businesses adopt new technologies responsibly, ensuring that automation and AI enhance, rather than diminish, the value of human workers. 
  • Cyber Security Solutions: In a world where data is king, we provide robust cybersecurity measures to protect your business from threats while safeguarding employee data and privacy. 
  • Virtual CTO Services: Our Virtual CTO services offer businesses the strategic leadership needed to navigate the complexities of modern technology while prioritizing equitable growth. 

Conclusion: Partner with INSC for Equitable Technological Growth 

The challenges posed by automation and AI are real, but with the right approach, businesses can harness these technologies to create value for all. At Innovative Network Solutions (INSC), we are committed to helping businesses thrive in this new era by providing Managed IT Services that promote equitable growth. Let us partner with you to ensure that your business remains competitive while prioritizing fairness and inclusivity. 

To learn more about how INSC can help your business navigate the complexities of automation and AI while promoting a fairer distribution of wealth, contact us today. Call us at (866) 572-2850 or email sales@inscnet.com to explore how our Managed IT Services can support your business in achieving sustainable and equitable technological growth. 


Q1: How does automation and AI contribute to the decline in workers’ income share? 

Automation and AI increase productivity by replacing human labor in certain tasks. While this boosts output, it also reduces the need for workers, leading to a smaller share of income going to labor. 

Q2: What can businesses do to ensure fair compensation for workers in the age of automation? 

Businesses can adopt policies that promote fair wages, invest in retraining workers for new roles, and use technology in ways that complement human labor rather than replace it. 

Q3: How can Managed IT Services help businesses navigate these changes? 

Managed IT Services, like those offered by INSC, help businesses integrate new technologies responsibly, ensuring that automation and AI are used to enhance productivity without disproportionately impacting workers’ income. 

Q4: What is the role of cybersecurity in the context of automation and AI? 

As businesses increasingly rely on digital tools, robust cybersecurity measures are essential to protect sensitive data, including employee information, from cyber threats. 
For more information on how INSC can help your business thrive in the age of automation and AI, contact us today!